Monday, September 16, 2013

How I got to write a book

In January of 2011, I found and joined a rare club in my neighborhood, a Republican Jewish group, which met from time to time to listen to conservative speakers. They were of all races and creeds, these speakers, and I enjoyed listening, and asking questions and having mini debates. I especially liked the couple, who were the local leaders, and devoted themselves to this club with much energy and their own financial support. At one point they confided to me that they were rather discouraged, because it was so hard to recruit new members; the liberal Jews were impossible to talk to, they simply would not listen. I said, well you have to try, there must be reasonable and smart people among them, and their answer was still "no, they simply will not listen, don't even try".
That evening I sat down in front of my computer and started my book. Every night from that day, and for the whole year, I sat in my room until the wee hours of the morning, and spilled my heart out.
I wanted to tell my story, of how difficult it was to grow up in the dire circumstances of the Nazi era, and how despite being able to survive, the stress and anxiety left me permanently wounded.  I wanted to shout out how unique and great this country of the United States of America was and that we have to try and preserve it with all our might and every breath that we take, because there is nowhere else to be free. There is nowhere else to be able to follow your dream, there is nowhere else to be secure, no matter who you are.

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