Sunday, January 5, 2014

How about that global warming!

A group of scientists and curious tourists went to Antartica to see the melting of the ice first hand due to global warming and to see how few polar bears and penguins were left. Instead their ship got stuck because of the thickness of the ice. They also found plenty of polar bears and penguins roaming around. After being stuck for over a week, the scientists and tourists had to be rescued by a helicopter, which brought them to another ship to take them to a way to go home. Instead this ship is now stuck too in the thick ice up to the present moment. In the meantime our country is having record cold temperatures all over the map with minus signs in front of many numbers, temperatures that are breaking records in many places. Not a word has been said anywhere about the famous global warming occurring in the newspapers or on TV and the EPA is of course continuing their regulations set into place because of global warming. Edison's bulbs are a thing of the past as of this month and all the people working in that industry are frozen out. How about that global warming!