Wednesday, September 18, 2013

How liberals see republicans

It is an amazing feat to follow the logic of how liberals view Republicans. As soon as something bad happens in this country, it immediately is the Republicans' fault. Our government owes 17 trillion Dollars of borrowed money; that is President Bush's fault after over 4 years of the present president's reign! A terrible flood happens in Colorado, it is the Republicans fault, because they do not believe in global warming. There is a shooting at the Navy Yard in DC and 12 fatalities occur, it is the Republicans fault, because they agreed to approve the so-called sequester, which was the president's own idea, and he is the one who decides where to take the money from. The health care law is instituted, and signed by the president, without a single Republican present. It is a train wreck, according to the Democrat who championed it, 65% of the citizens (Democrats and Republicans) disapprove of it, and the money to institute it, is not available. Yet it's the Republicans fault, because they say they dislike it.  You can't make this stuff up.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

What it's like to be a liberal

It is an interesting quest to observe a liberal. A liberal is a person who wants the best for absolutely everybody! He or she is convinced he is all for the very best for every person on earth and acts that way. A liberal wants everybody to have everything he/she needs, wants everybody to have a happy life, wants everybody to do what they want and wants everybody to have a share of the good of the land equally. A liberal wants the best for the globe, so he/she carefully recycles and uses those funny curlecue bulbs to make sure the polar bears continue to roam the earth. A liberal gives charity for good causes. A liberal watches "Dancing with the Stars", "Miss America", "The Oscars" and various romantic programs if a lady and if a man he also watches Science Fiction.  A liberal watches his/her one favorite station for the news and reads one favorite (local) newspaper. A liberal listens adoringly to the President, (cheering how wonderful it is that he/she has made history by electing and reelecting him) as they relish the fact that everybody is going to get free healthcare, that everybody who needs it will have gotten plenty of foodstamps, that every child is getting the same great education, that the economy is going gangbusters, that the housing market has recovered, that the Middle East is on its way to democracy (each land for sure) and that this president has put one over on our Russian friends to force them to resolve the matter of Syria in a peaceful way. In other words the liberal lives happily ever after in a Land of  Make-Believe.

Monday, September 16, 2013

How I got to write a book

In January of 2011, I found and joined a rare club in my neighborhood, a Republican Jewish group, which met from time to time to listen to conservative speakers. They were of all races and creeds, these speakers, and I enjoyed listening, and asking questions and having mini debates. I especially liked the couple, who were the local leaders, and devoted themselves to this club with much energy and their own financial support. At one point they confided to me that they were rather discouraged, because it was so hard to recruit new members; the liberal Jews were impossible to talk to, they simply would not listen. I said, well you have to try, there must be reasonable and smart people among them, and their answer was still "no, they simply will not listen, don't even try".
That evening I sat down in front of my computer and started my book. Every night from that day, and for the whole year, I sat in my room until the wee hours of the morning, and spilled my heart out.
I wanted to tell my story, of how difficult it was to grow up in the dire circumstances of the Nazi era, and how despite being able to survive, the stress and anxiety left me permanently wounded.  I wanted to shout out how unique and great this country of the United States of America was and that we have to try and preserve it with all our might and every breath that we take, because there is nowhere else to be free. There is nowhere else to be able to follow your dream, there is nowhere else to be secure, no matter who you are.

Friday, September 13, 2013

taking blessings for granted

On this eve of the Day of Atonment for the Jewish people, I would like to remind everyone that taking blessings for granted, such as the blessings of being a citizen of this greatest of nation, is to forget to value what you actually have. It is to forget that you are FREE to move about, FREE to follow your dream, FREE to work towards what you would like to achieve and FREE not to be harrassed by a government. Taking this for granted is to forget to value what our "Forefathers" have provided for us: that we are endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among those are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. These gifts we have need to be cherished and we are responsible to see that we do our part to be worthy of them and hold on to them, as so many have given their very life to protect them. I pray that we all do the right thing to keep our blessings of freedom intact and not let them be destroyed by ideas, that are unamerican and falsehoods, which lead to that which our forefathers escaped from: subjugation and enslavement.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

How to distract good citizens

In the past few months several big scandals have come to the attention of the American public, courtesy of this administration. There is the killing of 4 great Americans in Benghazi. Noone has been punished for it and the truth of how it happened and why, even though there were appeals to help and protect the American consulate, have not been divulged by the State Department, the UN ambassador or the commander-in-chief. There is the scandal by the IRS, who targeted conservative groups and certain religious groups by denying them tax free status and harrassing them with inappropriate questions. There is the scandal by the NSA, who collects telephone conversations and Internet conversations of ordinary American citizens, supposedly to keep us safe, but this endeavor could not prevent the Boston marathon bombings, even though they were warned by the 2 perpetrators' e-mails and by Russian telephone calls. The citizens and Congress want answers to all these scandals and want to clean up this mess in all seriousness and with great efforts, so what happens, Syria happens. Syria has been waging a civil war and thousands of Syrians, women and children have been killed for the past two years. Nothing much was done about it by our administration, except a few speeches were given of how terrible this is, but now that the above scandals are preoccupying the citizens and Congress, the commander-in-chief wants to attack Syria. Everybody is "up in arms" at this proposal, about 90% of We The People do not want any part of it, but the commander-in-chief declares that whether Congress approves or not, he will go ahead and attack Syria. All the newspapers, the radio and the TV news are now preoccupied with the topic of Syria, and the mess of scandals in our country is forgotten by the real distraction and anxiety over Syria. Did anyone see the movie "Wag the Dog"?

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Why vote Democrat?

My question to the Jewish people, on this eve of the Jewish New Year, is why vote Democrat? Don't you see, first of all, what is happening in the Middle East? The whole place is on fire and Israel is surrounded by bitter enemies, with noone to help her. Is that what you wanted when you voted?
You have been reading newspapers and listening to politicians who do not, and I repeat, do not tell the truth. Do you enjoy being lied to? Is it more fun than looking at what the facts are? The facts are many many people are out of work; many many people are on food stamps; food and gas, health care and drugs cost more almost every day. Your paychecks are shrinking, your jobs are teettering, you are not sure if you will be employed tomorrow. Is that why you voted democrat?
So you are afraid of the conservatives. Why exactly are you afraid? According to the Democrats, conservatives want to push grandma over the cliff, they do not want to give health care to many poor people and they only care about rich people. Is that in any way, shape or form true? Did you have any problem you are having now under a Republican President????
And, coming back to Israel, was it not safer before 2009?
I wish all of you a Happy New Year and I pray that you think hard and open your eyes and look at the facts.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

I am baffled by the Jewish people voting consistently democrat. President Abraham Lincoln was a Republican. He freed those who were enslaved. President Richard Nixon passed the Civil Rights laws. He was a Republican. President Ronald Reagan brought back the hostages from Iran and allowed us to be proud of our country again. He was a Republican. The conservative Republicans are mainly good upstanding citizens, who obey the laws and try their best to get along, help those in need and endeavor to show how hard work is the way to earn one's keep and put pride in one's soul.
What is there to fear from conservatives, who by definition do what is right and proper for all people.