Sunday, October 27, 2013

The Chosen people

It is said that we are the chosen people. I have often wondered what that meant. We are certainly not chosen  because we are the smartest people. We definitely are not, although this idea has created  jealousy, yet it is totally unsubstantiated and has given us great grief. We are certainly not chosen because we are privileged people, because that too is not true. We are certainly not chosen because we are in any way better than other people, because we decidedly are not. I have come to the conclusion that we are chosen for only one thing and that is to follow our religion as much as we possibly can, not because it is the one true religion, but because that is what we were ordered to do. We were chosen to follow 613 commandments as much as we possibly can, and the summary of these are: "Do not do unto others, what you would not have them do unto you" and "be as good and gentle a person as you can possibly be". We were chosen to do just that and by it to set an example to the world for goodness and kindness and fairness and ethics, in other words to follow and share the"Ten Commandments".

Sunday, October 13, 2013

What happened to us now?

I am broken-hearted over the state of our country more than ever. Imagine having a soldier coming home in a casket, after having given his all, his life, and the administration is refusing to pay for his interment. Imagine the heroes of WWII not allowed to see their Memorial. Imagine that we cannot go see the Statue of Liberty, Mount Rushmore, the Grand Canyon, the Memorial in Europe of those troups that gave their all when they stormed overseas. These places are all roped off, yet the administration is paying people to guard them and it is paying to rope them off with iron gates. In addition, it has been decreed that the chaplains in the army are not allowed to perform services for the soldiers.  And why did this all happen?
The House of Representatives has managed to stand fast so far to have the government fully paid except for Obamacare, that unaffordable terrible law, that would put an agent of the IRS in between the doctor and his patient, us citizens. Since the House offer has not been accepted by the democratic Senate, we are now in a government shut-down. Although the House then agreed to give other offers, such as having at least everyone treated equally under the law, where big corporations, several unions and all of Congress is exempt from Obamacare, but all the rest of us are not, this too has not been accepted by the Senate and the Senate and the president refuse to even negotiate. So we are all punished in a most evil way: the dead soldier's families, and all the rest of us for having to witness this and the other punishments, as listed above. Hurrah for the democrats, they are really winning this battle and showing their true colors. They don't care for even the best of us, they only care about power, power and more power!