Sunday, November 17, 2013

Something finally hit home

There have been no repercussions for the "Fast and Furious" debacle, where thousands of Mexicans were killed and some US border agents, by guns the administration sold to the Mexicans. No one got punished for it. The Benghazi scandal, where 4 good Americans were killed, while the administration did nothing, has been shoved under the rug. The IRS scandal, where the administration did nothing to punish the deliberate targeting of Tea Party members and religious groups seeking tax-exempt status, passed unnoticed by the main-stream media. The NSA scandal, where a reporter and his family were harassed for doing his job, was dismissed as a mere trifle. The fact that we are all spied upon, our phone calls monitored and e-mails read, that is just to keep us safe. What difference does it all make, the Liberals couldn't care less. When the Republican House tried to fund the government, except for that unaffordable, formidably bad healthcare law, the Republicans were called terrorists and other unsavory names, and the administration and liberal Senate refused to negotiate in any way.
But now, when 5 million people, Liberals included, simply lost their health insurance. because of the "affordable health care law"and there is no way out of this disaster at the moment, and the democratic Congressmen and women up for reelection are getting nervous, something finally hit home and a tempest is erupting in the tea pot.

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